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Can You Carry It?

Can You Carry It?

How hard can it be to carry water? Children find out the facts and discuss images of different ways of carrying water before trying themselves. Through activities on the playground children experience that water is heavy and challenging to carry over distances. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Council Houses

Council Houses

Children recognise the need for affordable social housing. Groups discuss different forms of affordable housing – council houses, tower blocks, housing associations, prefabs. Feedback to class with pros and cons and decide which would be most useful after a problem.
Tap Into Life

Tap Into Life

Time to celebrate water! Children use the Oxfam online water photo-montage and Water Literate’s ‘Tap Into Life’ poem set to their provided music, to both prepare a performance and write their own celebratory poems with percussive backgrounds. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
African Elections

African Elections

Africa is a large continent with over 50 countries – usually there is an election going on somewhere! Children research a current/recent election in Africa and/or the election of Barack Obama as President of USA. Discuss the significance of Obama’s election. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Trip to Tropical Plant Centre

Trip to Tropical Plant Centre

In this session children get up close and personal with tropical plants on a visit to a botanical garden, zoo or even a large garden centre. Children find out more about conditions for growth and the life cycles of different plants. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Are we meeting the health targets?

Are we meeting the health targets?

Reflect back on ‘Right to health and MDGs. Investigate how far children think their rights and the MDGs related to health are being met. Present a MDG in an interesting way. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Collate findings

Collate findings

Finish the investigation started in Session B. Use the results to try and answer the questions about what plants need. Match vocabulary to meanings to make a glossary. Assess what has been learnt. Suitable for Y2 pupils.
Ethiopian Inspiration

Ethiopian Inspiration

Think big and create a class mural based on the work of Afewerk Tekle. Children work collaboratively to plan and paint a mural with a biblical subject in the same style as Tekle.
Children can make a difference

Children can make a difference

Children research what are key health issues for their own class. Focus on accidents and how they can be prevented. Understand concept of preventable and how children can play an important role in prevention Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Historic South African election

Historic South African election

Black Africans were very eager to vote in the 1994 South African election. Discuss the significance of Mandela’s election as the first black president in South Africa. Use historic film footage to show queues of voters and reactions to the election. Suitable for years 5 and 6.